Beast from Haunted Cave 1959

Crime Horror Thriller

A group of gold thieves pull of a heist and flee into the snowy wilderness, only to be pursued by a horrible, spider-like monster.

All Titles
  • US: Beast from Haunted Cave Beast from Haunted Cave
  • BR: A Besta da Caverna Assombrada A Besta da Caverna Assombrada
  • FR: La Bête de la Caverne Hantée La Bête de la Caverne Hantée
  • US: Чудовище из Проклятой пещеры Чудовище из Проклятой пещеры
  • ES: La bestia de la cueva maldita La bestia de la cueva maldita
  • US: Creature from the Cave Creature from the Cave
Released 30 Oct 1959
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