Torpilakatos 1168 1951

Comedy War

When a new commander is assigned to a submarine chaser with an experimental engine, he finds the entire crew has as little experience as he does.

All Titles
  • US: You're in the Navy Now You're in the Navy Now
  • AU: You're in the Navy Now You're in the Navy Now
  • BE: De vloot is naar de vaantjes De vloot is naar de vaantjes
  • BE: La marine est dans le lac La marine est dans le lac
  • BR: Agora Estamos na Marinha Agora Estamos na Marinha
  • CA: You're in the Navy Now You're in the Navy Now
  • DK: Marinen kalder Marinen kalder
  • FI: Laivaston nerot Laivaston nerot
  • FR: La marine est dans le lac La marine est dans le lac
  • IT: Il comandante Johnny Il comandante Johnny
  • NZ: You're in the Navy Now You're in the Navy Now
  • PT: Marinheiros de Água Doce Marinheiros de Água Doce
  • RO: Acum esti in marina militara Acum esti in marina militara
  • RO: Corveta U.S.S. Teakettle Corveta U.S.S. Teakettle
  • RO: Ce inseamna sa fii marinar Ce inseamna sa fii marinar
  • ES: ¡Esto es la marina! ¡Esto es la marina!
  • SE: Flottans Johnny Flottans Johnny
  • US: U.S.S. Teakettle U.S.S. Teakettle
  • US: The Flying Teakettle The Flying Teakettle
  • US: Here Comes the Fleet Here Comes the Fleet
  • US: The Floating Teakettle The Floating Teakettle
Released 16 May 1951
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